This morning at 10:00 AM in my backyard, I was talking with "Nayo" (Bernardo Méndez) the gardener, we saw a Crested Bobwithe or Colinus cristatus trying to defend her hatch of a large snake, immediately we jumped to catch it, instantly I knew when checking his tail, it was a Drymarchon melanurus or Middle American Indigo Snake, checking the hatch we found two eggs.
Obviously the bird escaped from place.
Pics. 2.
Then reviewing the length of the snake I found in his stomach that where three knots (See pic. 3), feel and size could determine that snake swallowed the eggs.
Pic. 3.
I always had the belive that in Guatemala would exist egg-eater snake, like Pseustes poecilonotus, Spilotes pullatus, Boa constrictor spp, etc. But never had the experience to witness and document it, all my suspicions always was pointed to this snake for his great skills.
Hoping this note likes you.
Tenemos que discutir este avistamiento de la codorniz !! ya vamos a platicar....